
These modules have been carefully crafted to assist families grappling with the topic of race. Progress through the topics as you see fit for you and your family. If any of you have further questions or topic suggestions for future modules we’d love to hear them.

Chat Three

Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable


Students will be able to…

  • Understand why assumptions do not represent facts.
  • Recognize when they are uncomfortable.
  • Discuss the importance of active listening and its verbal and nonverbal components.

In our first module, we offered activities that centered on our natural inclination as human beings to be attracted to sameness. With Module 2, we delved into the concepts of bystander versus upstander and helping your children navigate through tough situations. Now, with Module 3, “Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable,” we will address how to confront fears and assumptions of other cultures and how to create a safe environment for ongoing discussions with your children. Please be reminded that recommended activities and videos should be considered and/or viewed before sharing with your children to ensure that they are appropriate for your specific situation.


Assumption: A thing that is accepted and thought to be true or certain to happen, without proof.
Uncomfortable: Not feeling comfortable or pleasant; can be physical or awkward.

Assumptions Activity:

It’s normal to make assumptions, adults do it all the time. Assumptions are our brain’s way of making sense of the situation. The thing is, assumptions are almost never true; they are made by jumping to conclusions without actually getting to know the person. This can be harmful to the person on the other end of the assumption, and can hurt their feelings. After watching the video, your kid(s) should be able to understand how assumptions are usually very far from the truth.

Feeling Uncomfortable Activity:

Ask your child to cross their arms. Now ask them to cross their arms the other way. The way they crossed their arms the second time might not feel as natural to them as it did the first way. Feeling uncomfortable might not always be a physical feeling, it can sometimes manifest itself as something intangible, like during an awkward situation. Discomfort is a perfectly normal feeling.

Creating An Open Environment: Opening Up With Transparency Activity:

We recognize that it may be difficult sometimes to have these conversations with your children. The best and healthiest way to promote these conversations is by creating a safe and open environment in which to have these chats, where questions and curiosity are encouraged. Possible video idea. While watching the video discuss some of the cultures you recognize and if you have any friends or family that are a part of that culture. It’s okay if there are some that you don’t recognize, we’re all here to learn!

Creating An Open Environment: Active Listening Activity

Active listening is when you give your full attention to the person speaking, and can show signs of listening either verbally or nonverbally. 

Verbal: Asking questions, paraphrasing or summarizing

Nonverbal: Body language that reflects you are actively paying attention like smiling, eye contact, uncrossed arms, and leaning in.

Apply all Activity

After watching the video above, check for active listening by discussing with your children what was said. Try to incorporate active listening into your daily routine by either discussing your days or asking reading comprehension questions after story time. 

Guided Questions:

  • How can you tell when someone isn’t paying attention to you?
  • How does it make you feel when someone isn’t paying attention to you when talking?
  • What are some things you can do to show that you are actively listening to someone?

Bonus Activities:

Multi-student homes: Try playing a game of telephone, and see how much the final sentence differs from the original sentence.

Single or multi-student homes: Pick a random category (animals, food, movies, etc) and then pick a random letter. Go around and name things in that category that start with your chosen letter, then see how long you can go before someone repeats an answer.


It’s very easy to make assumptions about other people—sometimes it happens so quickly that we don’t even notice. These assumptions may be about someone’s appearance, or maybe their cultural norms. It is important that children recognize that assumptions don’t represent facts, and are often misinterpretations of the situation at hand. Cultural understanding and acceptance do not come without dialogue and self investigation. Encourage your kids to break away from assumptions and instead ask questions whenever they come across something that makes them uncomfortable or that they don’t understand. 

Bonus Activity For Older Kids:

Actively listening in diverse populations. 

Western cultures tend to display active listening with eye contact. However, a lot of Eastern cultures view eye contact as a form of disrespect. In largely Muslim cultures, eye contact between people of opposite genders is discouraged. When traveling or meeting someone for the first time it is important that you familiarize yourself with their customs to show your respect.

Talk to Us

Each person’s journey with race and diversity education is different. If you or a family member have a topic suggestion or a question you’d like our team to explore, please complete this form.

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