
These modules have been carefully crafted to assist families grappling with the topic of race. Progress through the topics as you see fit for you and your family. If any of you have further questions or topic suggestions for future modules we’d love to hear them.

Chat One


Students Will Be Able To....

  • RELATE to the human nature of grouping and sorting based on visible differences and understand that this is a subjective but neutral activity.
  • RECOGNIZE and ACCEPT that diversity is observable in a variety of ways in objects as well as in people.
  • Begin to DISCUSS and DETERMINE what race means within their family/community with the nature of grouping as a conversation starter.
Step #1

Play this Grouping Icebreaker

(A 5 – 10 min. exercise after prepping the shapes)
 Parents: This activity will take five to ten minutes to play after prepping the shapes. You’ll need to gather paper, scissors, colored markers and a ruler.

  • On a piece of paper make a 6x6 table (Manually or computer) Table A. (You can also use different colors of construction paper for this activity)
  • Color each column a different color
  • Write an alphabet (A-F) across each row according to Table A.
  • Cut out each square. Be sure to protect the letters on each square!
  • Cut 4 random squares into small triangles and 4 into larger triangles.
  • Cut 4 random squares into small circles and 4 into large circles.
  • Cut 4 random squares into small rectangles and 4 into larger rectangles.
  • Trim 4 squares into smaller squares and leave 4 squares intact as larger squares.
  • Cut 4 remaining squares into hearts

Begin the exercise by:

  • Mixing up all of the shapes, then spread out into a pile on a table.
  • Ask each child/ participant to sort the pieces into groups in whichever way they choose. (Try not to prompt the child)

Parents should note after the activity that some will group by shapes. Others may group by color. Others may group by alphabets. Some may group by sizes, etc... The objective is to help children understand we naturally and subjectively sort things, recognizing commonalities as well as differences. There is no particular right or wrong, and no “good” or “bad,” but it is interesting to encourage and listen to the reasonings for choices to see if judgements exist as to which way is “best” and why.

Table A.

Step #2

Watch This Video

After watching the video parents should ask children questions, like “How do you think the brown egg felt being different? How do you think the white eggs felt? What could you do or say to make the brown egg feel liked or included? How do children in your school act when someone is different?”

Step #3

Play the Friendship Circle Game



  • Observing, sorting, and grouping things is something we naturally and subjectively do.
  • Discriminating and judging people and things are “bad” or “less than” strictly because they are different is not the right mindset (and could be very hurtful.)
  • It is a better, more positive mindset to look for commonalities in people; to include rather than divide. In the big and best picture, we all belong because we are all human.

Talk to Us

Each person’s journey with race and diversity education is different. If you or a family member have a topic suggestion or a question you’d like our team to explore, please complete this form.

Feel free to drop us a line here. Be sure to connect with us on social media.

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